Day 13. Like NYC all over again.

Tallinn is noisy and it stinks. Loads of people everywhere. It's just like NYC. Except there people are actually friendly and frank.

Couldn't get any sleep tonight. Not sure if it's the cars going by or the light shining into the window. Not used to this anymore.

Koodikool is now done and damn, it's fun. Seeing people learn and get exited about stuff. It's a good time spent. Next time we're going to make a multuplayer game. At least that's my goal.

While driving to Tallinn I picked up a young guy who said he had only heard of bitcoin from The Wolf Of Wallstreet movie just recently. Wow.. Well what else could I do, but lay all my knowledge on him. Then it turned out he's not going to Tallinn, but Tartu. The ride was a mistake, but I don't think this coincidence was for nothing.

Before starting my trip out of the woods however, a nasty case of stress appeared. After some meditation it went away and hasn't returned, BUT I do wonder why it's this bad. It's like I have a reaction against this city.