I though I was an introvert

Didn't talk much, didn't express much of anything, but had a whole world going on inside of me all the time. So I was an introvert. People knew I did a little bit of poetry and were surprised when they eventually found out what kind of music I listen to and that one of my hobbies was 3D graphics. This was in school.

Then I went to university and smoking weed helped me realise how much more I had been yearning to step outside and show myself. During the university years having to present my work in front of an audience was the best! Well, as long as I had actually done the work that is. Most of the time I had.

And thus begun my travels into the pleasures of extroverts. It took some time, but now that I've pretty much nailed it I'm not sure if I'm an extrovert or I just don't believe in this external/internal stuff anymore. I find qualities on both sides complementing each other. For example in order to give a public speech I first have to sit by myself for a few days and wrap my head around the topic. Speaking to anyone during that time about the subject is impossible. Or in a business environment before an important meeting I first have to sit by myself and figure the topic out on my own as far as my mind reaches - only then will other peoples ideas have a place to attach themselves. Any good idea really comes from being at peace by myself and any good execution comes from a well communicating team.

Luckily the intro-extro fad has pretty much passed. There used to be a lot more material circulating about this. However every now and again you see people excusing themselves "oh I can't do that, I'm an introvert" which is total bollocks - just an excuse.

In a more general view of things how about we stop labelling ourselves and be honest about our strengths and weaknesses.