My First Newsletter (remember me?)

Hey. You subscribed to my blog either a few months ago or perhaps many years ago. I haven't sent out a newsletter ever. So hello again!

I write irregularly. Some months there's many posts every week. Some months not a single one. That's not going to change. No promises. But I'm going to focus on making posts that share my learning's in leading a company.

Me and two other founders (and some more awesome people) run a software development company. I'm otherwise a startup kind of guy, but this is the only thing that's stayed in business for 2 years now. I learn a lot every day and I want to share it.

So topics are going to be: business, programming, schools (I like teaching). Probably some random personal stuff every now and again. My most popular post is a technical configuration tutorial, yet my most emailed about post is orbits stress and depression. People have found a variety of topics helpful.

I'm going to email these posts out for a while just to see what happens. What feedback I get. Feel free to unsubscribe. Just like I do most newsletters. I don't have an aim to grow this audience as much as let people find me, who actually benefit from this. I'd like to hone my writing skills.

So either enjoy or just see you later.